At Purbrook Junior School, we recognise the importance of WALKING TO SCHOOL. Not only does it support our vision of a ‘greener’ environment by reducing our carbon footprint* but it is proven to benefit children in a number of ways.

Children who walk to school have been found to:

  • Have higher academic performance in terms of attention/alertness, verbal, numeric and reasoning abilities;
  • Have a higher degree of pleasantness and lower levels of stress during the school day; and
  • Have higher levels of happiness, excitement and relaxation on the journey to school.

As a school, we believe in promoting positive, enjoyable, safe and ‘green’ ways of travelling to and from school. We recognise the positive effects that it can have on a child’s mental health and wellbeing as well as on parents and the local environment too.

Come on Purbrook – let’s walk to school!

*A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and methane) that are generated by our actions. 

Park and Stride Information:

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  1. PE days: Year 3 Tuesdays & Thursdays, Year 4 Tuesdays & Wednesdays, Year 5 Mondays & Fridays, Year 6 Thursdays & Fridays
  2. We are delighted to say we are receiving a new bench courtesy of Lazy Susan Furniture. (
  3. Children need only bring their reading records, lunch and water bottle to school. Stationery, large rucksacks and toys are not required. Thank you.