Purbrook Junior School is aware of the needs of all of its pupils and this includes recognising individual children and their talents. We provide a curriculum which ensures that children have every opportunity to flourish and to be the best they can be in every area of life and learning.

We aim to develop fully all talents and special abilities, intellectually and socially, enabling children to maximise their achievements. For example, the school uses differentiated educational provision through curriculum enrichment and activities, providing teaching that makes learning challenging and enjoyable.

Provision for all children is monitored to ensure that we:

  • cultivate an ethos that develops children’s confidence in their own abilities and encourages children to take pride in their abilities
  • broaden and enrich their learning
  • provide challenging experiences and activities within and beyond the regular curriculum
  • develop skills for life
  • consider the personal, social and emotional development of children in addition to their intellectual needs
  • appreciate that all individuals have their own strengths and development areas through a growth mindset philosophy

Talents & interests of individuals are valued and nurtured both inside and outside of the classroom.

Quality First Teaching – Daily Classroom Provision

  • Differentiated tasks that provide high levels of challenge through breadth, depth and pace
  • Use of questioning to develop investigation, enquiry and promote high-level thinking
  • Facilitated learning opportunities
  • Planned lessons where input and task design is tailored to facilitate the development of pupils’ individual talents and interests

Enrichment Opportunities activities outside the classroom

  • Additional opportunities for sport, music and dance development
  • Visits, expert visitors and master-classes
  • Opportunities to be ‘leaders’ within school e.g. House Captain, Sports Captain, Eco Warriors, JIT members (Junior Improvement Team)
  • Range of extra-curricular clubs and activities
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  1. PE days: Year 3 Tuesdays & Thursdays, Year 4 Tuesdays & Wednesdays, Year 5 Mondays & Fridays, Year 6 Thursdays & Fridays
  2. We are delighted to say we are receiving a new bench courtesy of Lazy Susan Furniture. (www.lazysusanfurniture.co.uk)
  3. Children need only bring their reading records, lunch and water bottle to school. Stationery, large rucksacks and toys are not required. Thank you.