Physical Education is a very important part of our curriculum and is enjoyed by all across the school. We aim to target children of all abilities and ensure they have a positive and fun experience of physical education.
The main focuses within our P.E. Curriculum are:
- Balance
- Agility
- Co-ordination
- Creativity
- Personal
- Social
These are incorporated in all our lessons and once skills progression is apparent, sport specific is introduced. The children are fortunate to have regular sessions led by a Sports Specialist from PrimaryPE.
Some children, showing outstanding ability in areas of PE, are targeted and invited to join specific after school clubs. Here they will get the chance to develop their skills and possibly be selected to represent the school in competitions of all levels.
Sports day integrates many of skills learnt throughout the year allowing the children to demonstrate how they apply these during the activities/sports taking place. The children are sorted into teams dependent on their ability and compete against other teams of a similar ability. This ensures fun, success and a sense of achievement for all.
Physical Education Expectations
- P.E. is a part of the curriculum and all children are expected to take part in all P.E. lessons. A valid medical reason that prevents them from doing so, must be provided in writing for a child to be exempt.
- All children must have come into school on their allocated PE day
- P.E. kit must include: Purbrook P.E. t-shirt or similar plain t-shirt (no football shirts), black shorts or leggings, suitable P.E. shoes (for indoor and outdoor use).
- Long hair must be tied back.
- Jewellery – ALL jewellery must be removed, including earrings (unless ears pierced within the last 6 weeks – when parents must provide tape).
Our current P.E. leader is: Mr L Baines