At Purbrook Junior School we enjoy an engaging art curriculum which links and compliments to the whole learning experience.


The National Curriculum for Art and Design sets out to ‘engage, inspire and challenge’ our pupils. Children are taught the knowledge, skills and techniques that enable them to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.

All our art learning is linked to our English Text drivers which only enhances the learning in a thematically linked curriculum allowing our children to make meaningful connections across curriculum areas. They are exposed to a range of art and design, spanning genres, styles and including culturally and ethnically diverse art and artists.

Progression in skills and techniques is in-built and all children are given opportunities to confidently develop at their own pace as they gain a visual language with which to express their ideas and experiences.

Pupils are encouraged to engage with and critique the art of others as well as their own and they are supported in using key art terms and language. We help children gain confidence talking about their opinions on art, in school and in real world settings. Children learn about the role of art and creativity in our city and understand that art plays an important role in our history and the wealth of our nation.


Each child has a sketchbook that moves up through the year groups with them which provides an excellent way to see the child’s art journey from Year 3 – Year 6.

Each art project links to the relevant English Text driver theme for that term and therefore compliments the learning of that topic.

Each scheme of work has one or more key artists who the children discuss and learn about, look at their work. They are encouraged to research the artists and record at least 5 key facts. The key artworks include a range of genres, styles and culturally and ethnically diverse art and artists. The key artworks inspire the children’s practical work too, through theconcept, medium or subject matter.

All schemes of work include one or more skill e.g., drawing painting, then it can either be collage, 3D sculptor or form making, printing or ICT and Media. Progress in this area is built in across all year groups and skills and media are often revisited as the children move up the school which enables us to see the progression.

Children produce work in their sketchbooks where they explore and experiment with skills and techniques, develop and plan their ideas and respond to the artwork of other artists, craftspeople etc. They produce final pieces and outcomes that are displayed around school or in classrooms and in their sketchbooks. The teacher does not ‘mark’ in the sketchbooks, assessment is carried out formatively and there is an emphasis on self and peer assessment methods.


We do not formally test the children on their art skills, but we are confident that the quality of outcomes as evidenced in sketchbooks and displays demonstrates how well our pupils achieve in art. Every child can see their own progress in their own sketchbooks. Our pupils speak confidently and competently about their own individual learning and a love of art is evident through the in displays corridors and the pupil voice, the uptake for art competitions and extra-curricular clubs – we have a genuine culture of art appreciation!

If you walked into a lesson at Purbrook you would see:

-Children using art materials, techniques and skills OR discussing and sharing their opinions about art (theirs or others)

-Children moving around the classroom independently and showing ownership over the space through care and respect for their environment

-Children reviewing and refining their work with self and or peer assessment and teacher feedback

-Children using their own ideas, experiences and research to create art

-Children demonstrating their confidence, resilience and security by taking risks, problem solving and being curious

What do pupils tell us?

How do you know when you have made progress in art (referring to the no marking in sketchbooks approach)?

“When I feel proud and when friend and teachers compliment my work”

“I feel confidence and creative”

“I know because I look back at my old pieces of work and compare them”

We are very proud to have displayed our work within the community so everyone can enjoy and see the hard work and dedication that the children take over their work and look forward to continuing this in future years.

Our priorities this year have been:

We have used art to help settle children back into the school environment and to consolidate the appreciation of all types of art across the school. We will continue to develop the children’s love of art and creativity.

Our current Art and Design leader is: Mrs C Gray

Art and Design Programme of Study

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  1. PE days: Year 3 Tuesdays & Thursdays, Year 4 Tuesdays & Wednesdays, Year 5 Mondays & Fridays, Year 6 Thursdays & Fridays
  2. We are delighted to say we are receiving a new bench courtesy of Lazy Susan Furniture. (
  3. Children need only bring their reading records, lunch and water bottle to school. Stationery, large rucksacks and toys are not required. Thank you.